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We respect your privacy as well as your personal data, taking all necessary measures to keep it safe.
This privacy policy is valid solely and exclusively in the use and in the processing of data on this website.
1. Data Controller
The entity responsible for processing data sent by users is Predial Ferreira & Filhos.
2. Privacy
When entering this website cookies are used, or rather, small text files that are placed on the hard disk by a webpage server, which allow a better browsing experience and access to other functionalities of the website, all in order to provide an excellent service to the user.
3. Collection of personal data
The personal data collected on this website is intended to respond to requests for contact, quotes, information in general and for necessary legal purposes if you enter into a contract or commercial transaction with our company and the information, personal or not, is not transmitted to third parties.
User data is kept on Cloud servers located in the European Union. These servers are protected and maintained to the highest standards of safety and always respecting the applicable privacy laws.
4. Data Subjects’ rights
The user has the right, pursuant to Law, to consult, eliminate or rectify their personal details sent by our website. For this purpose and in order for us to recognise the identity of the data subject, users should send a message from their own email address to lisboa@predialferreira.pt clearly indicating what they wish in relation to their personal data.
5. Period of time during which we keep the data
We will keep your personal data for the period necessary for the service provision, respective invoicing and mentioned purposes.
6. Right to complain
The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority (cnpd.pt).
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